Tips on Healthy Eating

15 Easy-to-adopt Healthy Eating Tips

Here you will learn great, easy-to-adopt tips on healthy eating.

Incorporate these into your lifestyle, and you’re well on your way to becoming a healthier person.

Congratulations on your desire to know more and get better. It will pay off nicely in an invaluable way for you.

Super Easy Tips to Incorporate

1. Get into the habit of reading food labels when you go to shop for food at the supermarket or anywhere, for that matter. Food labels show how much of each nutrient class are in a 100g or a 100ml of the food.

2. Look at the “per 100g” or “per 100ml” food nutrients amounts, as opposed to “per serving”. This is because “per serving” figures are not easily comparable to benchmarks. You may also not be able to tell at a glance, for example, if there’s too much fat or saturated fat in the food content.

3. Fill your fridge and kitchen cupboards with healthier foods.

4. If you eat a lot of red meat, cut down on this as red meat is very high in saturated fat. White meats such as chicken and turkey (particularly skinless), and oily fish are better options. Oily fish is good for your brain and heart.

5. Watch out that any margarine you’re using does not contain “trans fats” or “hydrogenated oil”. Read the food label and ingredients on it.

6. Butter is made from animal fat (a lot of saturated fat), so go easy on that butter.

7. Don’t cook the nutrients out of your foods! Reduce cooking times and cooking temperatures. Don’t cook vegetables with water wherever possible. This is what I consider one of the most important tips on healthy eating.

8. Watch out for food preservatives and additives in anything you’re buying. Best thing is to avoid processed foods – you don’t know what’s in some of them.

9. Drink plenty of water – at least 6 to 8 glasses a day. Easiest way to get used to this is to carry around a 2-litre bottle everyday (or 2 or 4 smaller bottles at different times), and then just drink or sip at some at intervals. Before you know what’s happening, you’ll get used to it. It’s a great habit.

10. Eat out less. Don’t make a habit out of eating out. Nutrients in your meal to keep you healthy are the last thing fast food restaurants are thinking about. They’re thinking more of taste, salt, sugar, fat, and trans fats. Always eat before leaving home. It reduces the chances of you being hungry in the wrong places or at the wrong times, that makes you end up eating unhealthy foods.

11. Cook more from home. When you cook your meals at home, you can decide how you want to cook the foods, what foods you want to cook, and what condiments to add. You can be more adventurous, add vegetables to your stews or soups and so on.

12. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. They are blessed with the vitamins and minerals your body needs to function properly. The recommendation is 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day, and that will help you lower risk of lifestyle-related diseases such as cancer and diabetes.

13. Cut down on fried foods. The added fat usually just gets stored in the body. There’s the danger of the fats and oils getting damaged and oxidized too.

14. Avoid any products with trans fats and hydrogenated oil in it. They are dangerous to your health and contribute towards building fatty deposits in the human arteries.

15. Exercise regularly and become more physically active. This will help to facilitate the health benefits you’ll experience from incorporating these easy tips on healthy eating, and reduces your risk of many diseases.

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The information here is for general guidance only.
Talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle.


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